
Posts Tagged ‘medizintechnologie’

Personalize the online platform

May 3rd, 2016 2 comments


After launching the online guide for developing medical devices, our team had the chance to rest a little bit and dealt with some minor improvements for the platform in general (see our Kanban Board, other inspirations on Agile Board Hacks). Kanban Board

We used and adapted the Kanban Board method for our coordination.


Beside of those minor tasks on our board, we had to explore these additional user needs for our next milestone:

  • Improve user engagement through a customized and personalized online guide
  • Increase the level of learning for the online guide without being too theoretical
  • Improve decision making  skills of a medical product development through online tools
  • Improve the quality of grant applications for medical products

After some internal meetings with our copywriters and the medical engineering team, we figured out some key features for our new service in a very abstract sketch.


Prototyping an online development guide for medical devices

April 16th, 2016 1 comment


At my last blog post, I have told you that it was not possible to launch the development guide for medical devices from the beginning of our online platform This blog post describes the design and prototyping process of our development guide for medical device engineers.


An online platform for medical engineering: Vision, Information and requirement engineering

April 5th, 2016 No comments


Some time ago, I posted a ‘making of’ series about the low-budget project This time I will blog about the development process of the current bigger (3-5 years) web project in the field of medical engineering in Germany. My writings intend to give Interaction Designer and User Experience specialist an insight view what I have learnt from this project.



When I started end of 2012, the publication Website: Nationaler Strategieprozess "Innovationen in der Medizintechnik" appeared and stated Germany needs more informational transparency about the medical engineering industry. The medical engineer stakeholders should be better connected to each other. And on-going, start-ups, small and mid-sized businesses need more support during their certification process within EU.

As one solution for these problems an online platform for the medical engineering community in Germany was proposed.