
Archive for the ‘Programming’ Category

My most important Twitter Messages #12

November 26th, 2011 No comments

Twitter von der hess
A small summary of my Twitter messages from August - November 2011:


My most important Twitter Messages #11

August 31st, 2011 No comments

Twitter von der hess
A small summary of my Twitter messages from June - August 2011:


Flash talks to Max MSP via OSC

August 16th, 2011 13 comments

As I already mentioned  in an earlier blog post, for reimplementing my "Sound drawing" project to Flash I had to create a communication layer between Max/Msp and Flash. In this blog post I will report about my results and some technical information. If you want to jump directly to the technical part, please skip the part "Why am I doing this". Read more...

Mr. Doobs Harmony project ported to Flash AS3

August 9th, 2011 1 comment

Some time ago I ported the great Harmony drawing app by Mr. Doob to Max/Msp. This Max/Msp Version I used for my media installation "Sound drawings". During the development and testing with the musicians I was not so happy with my workflow. Furthermore I felt that the Max/Msp environment causes some certain useless obstacles for me. Especially for the visual part of my work. Now I have time to check how useful Flash can be as a renderer. The first step was to port the drawing functions to ActionScript. Here is the result:


Categories: Design, Programming Tags: , ,

My most important Twitter Messages #10

June 9th, 2011 No comments

Twitter von der hess
A small summary of my Twitter messages from March - June 2011:


My most important Twitter Messages #9

March 24th, 2011 No comments

Twitter von der hess
A small summary of my Twitter messages from January - March 2011:


Harmony in Max / MSP with multiple brushes

February 23rd, 2011 No comments

For my interactive installation "Sound Drawings" I decided to use the Harmony Drawing application. Meanwhile, the single brush version worked pretty stable with the sound analyzing. There was still one thing missing. It would be much cooler if more than one person can draw on the canvas. From the technical view it was very easy to implement. In the beginning I was a little bit scared if the realtime feedback is still good with more brushes at the same time. It was! For this reason here is the source code and my versions of testing for you.

I prepared a screencast for getting an idea and overview how it works. The principles are exactly the same as in the first version. The only exception is the "brushID" as a new parameter. Every API call uses this syntax:

For creating a new brush use the command "setBrush brushID brushType". Afterwards you can use the API command "setCoordinate brushID xPos yPos" for drawing programmatically. If you want to use the mouse for drawing you must use the API command "selectBrush brushID" before drawing directly on the canvas!

All JavaScript codes and Max / MSP patches are included in the example file. For the sound drawing patch you must install the Max MSP Fiddler object, before you can try experimenting.

Download Harmony with multible brushes

Book review: Generative Gestaltung

February 14th, 2011 No comments

Fangen wir mit den harten Fakten an. Das Buch ist ziemlich großformatig und hat ein schönes stabiles Hardcover. Selten so ein gutes haptisches Erlebnis mit einem Fachbuch empfunden. Auch die verschiedenen Druck- und Papiermethoden in diesem Buch sind sehr gut ausgewählt. Die Projektsammlung ist im hochqualitativen Druck eingebunden, dagegen ist der normale Inhalt des Buches mit einem einfachen Farbdruck eingebunden. Die inhaltliche Struktur des Buches, das Buchdesign, selbst, sowie die zum Buch dazugehörige Website sind perfekt und sehr gut benutzbar umgesetzt. Ein durchaus 100% gelungenes Design und Konzept. Diese Qualität schlägt sich mit einer Preisspanne von 60-75 Euro ziemlich ins Budget nieder. Doch ist jeden Euro wert! Meine Begründungen folgen in einem Kapitel-basiertem Feedback und einem Schlussfazit:

My most important Twitter Messages #7

October 18th, 2010 No comments

Twitter von der hess
A small summary of my Twitter messages from July - October 2010:


Mr. Doobs Harmony drawing APP ported to MAX / MSP

July 8th, 2010 9 comments

For exploring the JavaScript API in MAX / MSP / Jitter I decided to port the Harmony Web Application by Mr. Doob. I really fall in love with the different brush styles. MAX / MSP / Jitter is pretty cool for doing audio visual stuff, and I think the different brush style might be nice for this. Fortunately, Mr. Doob published the source code and the code is nice, too! Therefore, it was not so difficult to understand the code.  During my porting process I had to consider four things: Read more...